Black Tiger

  18 May, 2023

  Georgios Soumelidis


I was 10, on a summer night when me and my buddies smuggled ourselves into a dark place full of neon lights and smoke so thick that you could cut it with a knife. We could barely distinguish figures of people sitting in front of screens full of lights and strange noises, pushing buttons and pulling joysticks with a mixture of dedication and frenzy, yelling and swearing as if they were bartering with pirates in an Irish pub.

This was my first experience to the ARCADES.. and it was awesome!

And then something extraordinary happened.

From a far and even darker corner, through that thick soup of electric farts, there was music trying to reach my ears. Like a mouse following the Pied Piper I followed the origin of this music. When I finally reached it I saw a boy playing a game called Black Tiger. It was about a barbarian hero, trying to free the world by going through dungeons to seek and destroy some demonic dragons. The hero had a huge morning star as a weapon and the game was accompanied with the most interesting music I have ever heard at that time. I sat next to the young lad and was just watching him playing. Did not care about the game.. I just wanted to listen to the music.

This was one of my life's greatest musical milestones...

And I put the composer Tamayo Kawamoto to the pantheon as one of my greatest music influencers. Her genius is shining like the quasars throughout the entire Cosmos!

The years had passed. But that specific melody was always there paying regular visits to me on random occasions.

So one day.. after 35 years.. I decided that the time had come to relive this epic feeling!

..and so I share with you my symphonic version of the Black Tiger!